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Cleanup Crew: How To Clean Your Mac

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Cleanup Crew: How To Clean Your Mac

Spring cleaning may be over, but cleaning your Mac in any season is an excellent idea. Thankfully, we're going to cover some excellent ways to clean your Mac on your own. With this being said, here's a look at different ways to clean your Mac.

  • Cleaning The Outside - When you're cleaning the outside of your Mac, make sure you have it unplugged, turned off, and moved away from where you normally have it set up. Begin cleaning by removing the dust from the area where it's usually stored. As for the computer itself, Apple has guidelines for cleaning your computer, but as long as you're using a damp, lint free cloth for cleaning it should be no problem. However, avoid using harmful chemicals as electronics are very sensitive.
  • Organize Cable Clutter - If you have a laptop of mobile device, feel free to proceed. If you have a desktop, you may want to organize some of the cords that keep everything running properly. Some even go as far as labeling their cords with bread tags or milk jug labels as a means to keep them organized. If there's a lot of slack associated with your cables, many have used flower pots or gutters to keep them concealed behind or under the desk.
  • Get Your Computer Up To Date - When cleaning out the inside of your computer, you should start out by installing recent security updates and patches for the programs you use on a regular basis. If you're operating with an older OS system, there's no time like the present to get it updated.
  • Remove Applications You Don't Use - Most computers come with a wide range of applications that you may not utilize (that simply take up space). Uninstalling an application can be as easy as it sounds, with many situations only requiring you to move the application to the trash. If you're looking at a better way to remove applications, AppCleaner (which is free) not only removes the application, but it also removes all files regarding the discarded application.
  • Reclaim Your Hard Drive - Since you've cleaned up the outside and the inside of your computer, it's time to remove some of the excess space floating around on your hard drive. The more you comb through your information, it's likely that you'll find photos, videos, and other content that's are simply wasting space on your hard drive.
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